Namaskar everyone,
We are very happy that for the first time and altogether we could make the 2023 Summer Camp - Creativity in Nature in our ecological land, Ananda Uma Eco-village (overnight). Please watch again these memorable moments. Two days are short but surely meaningful with all 50 people there. From the begining, some felt strange, worried but by the end, all became close, loving and connecting - supporting each other and created a strong, created collective flow on 5 teams Solid - Liquid - Alluminate - Air – Ether. The team leaders together with their members created according to the meaning, essence of the 5 fundamental factors , through those experiments you found out how important of the 5 factors in our life. Specially all talents disclosed in the Gala of RAWA night!
Thanks so much and wish that this pure, strong and creative energy be your inspiration for the coming shool year, and this summer is the beautiful memory for your journey toward maturity. Always remember you are such talented and strong, and there is a big family Ananda Marga with many fathers and mothers who love you, care for you and welcome you anytime you come back HOME.
Our sincere thanks to all volunteers who devoted all the time, engery, heart and mind, together with us to make this sucsess.
Taking this chance, we would like to thank those who have contributed to AMURT Fund – AMSG through the orders of sentient lunches, food and contributed gifts to 15 good and excellent students (junoir high school and senior high school) in Tân Cang.
We hope you will continue to join us in the service projects. May it expand continuously the social link as we are all ONE in love!"
See you again this Full Moon Festival.